1917 War Savings Stamps Government Brochure

1918 Connecticut War Savings Committee Pledge Form
During the First World War, War Savings Committees were established throughout the country to raise funds for the Treasury Department. These committees produced various Liberty Bond and WSS (War Savings Stamp) drives, producing a variety of regional fundraising campaign materials, such as posters, banners, buttons, pledge forms, etc.

1917 Treasury Department WSS Brochure
This Treasury Department publication directly solicited citizens "Drive Germany's Silent Allies From America" In addition to encouraging the purchase of War Savings Stamps, the publication encouraged Americans to spend frugally to help aid in the war effort.

1918 Boy Scouts of America WSS Pledge Form
During the Great War, the Boy Scouts did a number of civic service projects to aid the nation's war effort. Scouts distributed government literature, grew vegetable gardens, and even collected raw materials for war goods manufacture. Most notably however, the Boy Scouts raised money through their Liberty Bond and WSS fundraising campaigns, raising millions of dollars for the war effort.

1918 Treasury Department WSS Pledge Form
This two-fold postcard was used by the Treasury Department to solicit participation in the War Savings Stamp campaign. Marked "To Head of House," the solicitation presents an explanation of the stamp program from Treasury Secretary William Gibbs McAdoo.

1918 Treasury Department WSS Installment Postal Order Card
This postal mailing is another example of the Treasury Department's effort to sell both Thrift and War Savings Stamps. The card shows the interest paid on a $5 stamp overt time. This card was distributed through the postal service, and has a detachable stub for record keeping of a WSS order.

1918 WSS Authorized Agent Pledge Card
This postal card was used by those promoting the sale of WSS. It had two perforated sections that could be torn off as receipts for bookkeeping.

1918 War Saving Stamps Pay Envelope
Printed by the Government Printing Office
20" x 30"

Printed by the Government Printing Office
17" x 24"

Printed by the Strobridge Lithograph Company, Cincinnati
40" x 30"

Pins made by the Whitehead & Hoag Co., Newark, NJ
Printed by the American Lithographic Co., NY
20" x 30"

Printed by the James H. Rook Company, Chicago
13.5" x 8.5"

WSS Christmas Window Card

WSS Window Decal

1919 Treasury Department WSS Postal Order Card
This 1919 postal mailing is another example of the Treasury Department's effort to sell War Savings Stamps. The card shows the interest paid on a $5 stamp overt time.

WSS Window Trim Advertisement
This five-piece window display kit was given out to businesses
and other points of sale to promote the WSS program.

7" x 11"

Copyright The Joe I. Herbstman Memorial Collection of American Finance
All Rights Reserved